Thursday, May 13, 2021

This Will Be Funny Someday by Katie Henry

Izzy accidentally tried stand-up comedy one day. Accidentally? How do you end up on stage in front of people without meaning to? Izzy did it by trying to avoid her boyfriend - that is a story in and of itself. Oh, wait that is a big part of this story. Let me back up a bit...

Izzy feels like a fifth wheel in her own family. Her mom is a big time Chicago lawyer and works all the time, so no mother-daughter time for them. Dad is busy, too. Her older sister and brother seem to get all the attention. Izzy feels like she can't get a word in at the dinner table. So, she drifts through life on her own.

The only one who seems to need her is Alex, her boyfriend. Since she and her best friend, Naomi, stopped speaking to each other over Alex, Izzy only spends time with him. You quickly start seeing red flags in Alex's behavior and wonder why Izzy doesn't see them, too. 

Being on stage is liberating for Izzy. It is the one place she can say what she wants and people listen. The problem is that in order to stand-up, Izzy digs herself a big hole of lies. She lies to her parents, Alex, and her new college age friends. It's a mess that cannot be sustained forever. 

But Izzy is persistent and tries to keep her life in balance. Check this story out and stick with her as she attempts to reinvent herself. 

For more info, check out the Indianapolis Public Library catalog and the author's site

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