Thursday, June 16, 2022

Dead End Girls by Wendy Heard

I keep reading these 'teens in peril' books. Obviously, I am not the only one because they keep publishing them. So here's my latest one. 

Maude has been plotting to fake her death for awhile. She has a plan to escape her family and go live in London with a new identity. Before she even starts, her step cousin Frankie discovers the plan and begs to go with her. Frankie's home and school life isn't so great either. Maude is reluctant, but agrees. 

Maude's plan never included another person, so even though initially everything goes well it soon goes off the rails. At a time when Maude should have been on a boat to another country, she is running around Hawaii trying to figure out how to get both of them back to California. 

After an accidental death, things get really bad. Oh, did I say death? I don't think that's a spoiler. Once they've dealt with someone dying, their lives become less about running away and more about running. Maude tries to keep them on track, but nothing seems to work out. 

When reading books where teens are in danger, I usually have someone who I can clearly root for. Sometimes, they do questionable things but often as a response to the 'bad guy'. I was not always quite so sure with Maude and Frankie. The reader does not know their reasons for running away at the beginning. The story begins Maude who has already committed several crimes (fake passport, stolen IDs, etc.). Then that first death...Oh, did I say first? That makes it seem like there is another. I hope that's not a spoiler, either. 

I was fascinated by Maude's quick thinking in the face of unexpected circumstances. And ultimately, I did hope the girls were successful. 

For more info, check out the Indianapolis Public Library catalog and the author's site

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