Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Truth About Everything by Bridget Farr

Lark wants to go to school. She feels like she is missing out by living isolated on her family's farm. Her dad doesn't trust the government. He has kept his family off the grid and stockpiled materials preparing for the end of the country as we know it. 

Lark is homeschooled (although not in any formal sense). She only knows what her dad has taught her - distorted and incomplete views of historical events and people. She can barely read (something her parents do not realize). She has been taught how to fix mechanical devices, grow food, drive a truck and motorcycle. But it is not enough.

Alex is Lark's connection to the outside world. He attends public school and exposes her to what other teens are doing. With his encouragement, she plots a way to attend the nearby Christian school. She knows her dad will be furious if he finds out. Her mother...she is mostly absent even though she lives in the same house. 

For the first time, Lark begins to question her dad's beliefs. She has real friends, learns biology, and eats forbidden processed food. Lark was ignorant of so many things - - the functioning of her own body, the tragedy of 9/11, the geography of the world. Once the door is open to her, it cannot easily be closed again. 

Well, you know not everything goes smoothly for Lark. How long can she hide the fact that she is going to school from both her parents? It's a difficult decision, but Lark takes the risk. You will be rooting for Lark and questioning her parent's decisions. I hope you take a look at this book. It is worth your time. 

For more info, check out the Indianapolis Public Library catalog and the author's site

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